A Season to Rebuild

A Season to Rebuild

Human or animal there comes a time in life when the only option is to rebuild. I was reminded of that today on my hike as I came across an Eagle nest. Since discovering this trail 6 years ago there has always been an eagle nest in the same tree and each Summer young eagles hatch and learn to fly. However, not long ago when hiking this trail after a huge windstorm, the nest was gone. That part of the tree had broken off in the storm, nest and all. I wondered what the eagle was going to do. Will it fly elsewhere to build a new home or will it simply find a different tree in this same area and build a new nest? The eagle had some choices but when it came right down to it, the only choice was to rebuild. I was happy to see the new nest in progress just a few trees away from the original tree.

Broken tree where eagle nest had been 

Rebuilding is not an easy task which is probably why so many people settle for where they are. It’s not easy to make changes. In fact, there may be times you question if the changes you are making are the right changes to make. You don’t need to hit rock bottom to turn things around. If you are thinking this is not where you thought you would be at this point in your life, unhappy with your job, in an unhealthy relationship, out of shape, overwhelmed with what it will take to change the actions that are no longer serving you? You are not alone. Life is all about twists and turns and ups and downs. You don’t need to rebuild all parts of your life at once. The eagle takes one stick at a time then once that part is done fills in the gaps with moss and other material. Eagles come back to the same nest year after year and make improvements over time.

Eagle nest in tree

What is one thing that you want to change? Break it down into manageable parts/habits. As you complete one task or master a new habit then move on to the next thing. Celebrate every win along the way. Life is a journey and as long as you are on this side of the dirt you are on your journey. Start Dreaming what could be possible even if you don’t know the how yet. Believe in yourself because you can do hard things. Then you will Achieve it!

Heidi hiking on the trail 

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